Homework 3
Stylizing your webpage
For this part of the homework, you will be “improving” your website from Homework 2.
Use CSS to stylize your page. I’d recommend making a separate CSS file and then importing it into your HTML (see Day 3 Notes). This is open ended, but here are some things you should try out:
- Change font and font size for different elements.
- Use different background colours throughout your website. To do this, use divs to break your website up into different parts.
- Add some webkit transformations.
- If you want some more inspiration, take a look at the CSS for elements on some of your favorite webpages. As the saying goes: “good artists copy, but great artists steal.”
Webkit is only supported by Safari and Chrome. If you’re not using Safari or Chrome, you will need a different CSS prefix.
Create a new webpage for this part of the homework.
You will be experimenting with Bootstrap, a popular starting point for creating responsive (ready for a variety of devices) and decent looking websites.
If you’re having trouble filling your webpage with text to test out, try a dummy text generator such as Bacon Ipsum or Lorem Ipsum. This is actually common practice for web developers when they first design a website but do not know what content will fill it yet.
Copy and paste the starter template into a new file. You can ignore the optional JavaScript components. You do not need to understand the contents between the
tags. - Explore some of the Bootstrap examples and components. Pick 4 features that you like (they can be from different examples or components) and add them to your own webpage.
- If you haven’t tried containers yet, include a few on your page. Once again, resize your webpage and see how it reacts.
- Include your own stylesheet (CSS file). In your own file, try making some changes to overwrite the Bootstrap styles (i.e. change the font color for all paragraphs).
- What happens if you import your CSS after Bootstrap’s stylesheet?
- What happens if you import your CSS before Bootstrap’s stylesheet?
If you want to better understand why this happens, read this article on CSS cascading.